Recruiting minority candidates was more often a problem than recruiting female candidates, survey respondents said.受訪者表示招募少數族裔候選人往往是一個問題比招聘女性候選人困難的問題。
Seventeen percent of all respondents said increasing the number of women in management positions has been an issue in their district; 86 percent said that qualified females were considered for the vacancy they filled last year.
Thirty-five percent of the superintendents indicated that increasing the number of minorities in management positions was an issue in their districts. Only thirty-six percent said that qualified minorities applied for last year's opening.
35%的督察表示,在其學區內增加少數族裔在學校管理職位已經成一個議題。 但也只有36%符合資格的少數民族裔申請去年的學校管理者空缺。
The great majority of principals are male and White (non-Hispanic), the study states. The percentage of minority principals in public schools, however, did increase from 13 to 16 percent between the school years 1987-88 and 1993-94, according to the
本研究中絕大多數校長是白種男性(非西班牙裔)。 然而根據全國教育統計中心(NCES),在一些公立學校,其他少數族裔的校長於1987-88和1993-94學年間,有些微增加13%至16%。 在同一時期,女性校長的比例上升到25%至35%。
"Instead of waiting for individuals to self-select administration, educational leaders must be identified and groomed in a systematic way that facilitates the recruitment of potential leaders among women and minorities," concludes a 1992 report about a joint program of the New York City Board of Education and the Bank Street College Principals Institute.